Why Choose a 3M™ Littmann® Stethoscope?

Delivering more than just clear heart sounds

Millions of clinicians around the world depend on 3M™ Littmann® stethoscopes daily, trusting in the brand’s profession-leading innovations and performance to make a difference to their patients’ lives.

"The comfort in use, clear sound quality, durability, and range of colours are worth the price."

– Dr Jeremy Prakash Silvanathan,
Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Choose a stethoscope that makes a difference

  • maximum sound transmission
    Hear the difference

    Each 3M™ Littmann® stethoscope is precision-engineered and built to strict process and quality controls for a consistently high level of performance. Innovative technology features offer enhanced sound acoustics that enable you to pick up even the subtlest sounds.

  • chestpiece of stethoscope
    See the difference

    Stethoscopes with stiff tubing can kink or bend, pulling on eartips and making it hard to use. 3M™ Littmann® stethoscope tubing hangs straight and flexes easily. Also, 3M™ Littmann® chestpieces come in various finishes to suit your personal style.

  • eartips align with your ear
    Feel the difference

    3M™ Littmann® stethoscopes offer enhancements for you and your patients’ comfort: soft-sealing snap-tight eartips fit comfortably inside ears, non-chill bell sleeves insulate steel open bells from skin, and fostering a more meaningful doctor-patient relationship is helped along by stethoscopes that reflect your personality.

Find a combination that’s perfect for you.

Filter 3M™ Littmann® Cardiology IV™ and Classic III™ stethoscopes by tubing colour, chestpiece finish, and more.

stethoscope history

Dr. Littmann’s Legacy

Since Dr. David Littmann patented his transformative new stethoscope in the early 1960s, the device has turned from a simple device into a powerful diagnostic tool.

Today, millions of doctors, nurses, medical students and veterinarians use a 3M™ Littmann® stethoscope, with many posting their 3M™ Littmann® stories online.


View the 3M™ Littmann® history.

View stethoscopes in the 3M™ Littmann® range

  • Sturdy, refined, and designed for superior acoustic performance.

  • Compact, sensitive and lightweight, it’s perfect for general physical assessments and diagnoses.

  • The lightest adult stethoscope in the range. Suitable for basic assessments.

Ready to purchase a 3M™ Littmann® stethoscope? Here’s where you can get one online.